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Communications – Published 3/1/21

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Effective communication is key to making the Fire Conclave successful. Therefore, we utilize a variety of communication methods in order to assist you in communicating with the Council, your groups, as well as other Shins. We will discuss each method in detail below.

– How to contact the Council
– Monthly Progress Reports
– Communicating Management Changes
– Shin Tips
Social Media Pages:
– Facebook
– Instagram 
Email Group Lists:
– The Shin List
– The Fire Conclave Announce List


How to contact the Fire Conclave Council:

Shins must use email effectively. All Shin’s must have reliable internet access via their own computer. You must be able to regularly communicate with the FC Council and be able to collect, keep and transmit information in a timely fashion when required. 

Clear communication between FC Council and Shin is required. The FC Council maintains a 48 hour response time, as our commitment to you and your group. We expect the same from Shins. If you are travelling and not going to be as accessible, then let the FC Council know and make sure your shin assist is given the tools to communicate with us if needed.

This email address sends to the entire FC Council.  Although we love and appreciate personal emails from you,  if it’s Fire Conclave related please use address to keep all members of the FC Council in the loop. Please be aware to “reply to all” (not just “reply”) when responding to emails from any one particular FC Council member as we will also add to all our communications. 

You must include the following in the “subject line” of every email:

  1. Your group name  AND Then the title of the email (IE – Fancy Flames- Questions about the summit)

Every email you send to the FC Council must include the following information “in the body of the email”: 

  1. Your name
  2. Your group name. 

Doing these things will not only help speed up our response time, they will allow us to track and sort information, and keep email threads in order.

Shins must use to send in their monthly reports, questions to the FC Council, and any other Fire Conclave business. If you would like to invite one of us to your shindigs, you may email us directly. Approaching a FC Council member about Fire Conclave business through Facebook or other social media networks is highly discouraged (even if we’re friends in “real life”) and chances are we will not respond. It’s important that we all use appropriate and distinct channels for communicating Fire Conclave business and/or personal relations. 


  • DEADLINE – 25th of each month
  • addresses the FC Council
  • SUBJECT LINE – Fire Group Name and the month you are reporting (e.g. Flame-boyent – March report) 

As a way to better understand what is going on in your life we ask for a monthly progress report from each group. Tell us how things are going with your members, problems, challenges, successes and solutions. Are there issues with power struggles among members of your group? Everything is great, and your group is working well together, and making great evolutionary leaps as a group? Awesome, tell us about it. When you are working on the choreography please include how things are changing throughout the season. Or perhaps you have decided to add a giant blue thingy to your dance; we would like to know that so we can offer direction for weird tool approval. However, please be considerate of our time, edit yourself to some degree. The FC Council will always respond to your Monthly Report, if you do not hear from us in a few days it might mean we never received it.

This template is the required format  for your reports, and can be found  here:–xttAWA7Jzn6a0LRuvooTUJbb/pub 

We only accept monthly progress reports and updates from the Shin. The Shin Assist may communicate with the FC Council on the Shin’s behalf under limited circumstances. If for some reason the Shin cannot submit the monthly report, the Shin Assist can. Shins must let us know that your Shin Assist will be communicating with us, and please make sure that the shin is CC’ed on the email from the shin assist, or it will not be considered a valid report. 

We have a process of documentation on the back-end where we record your reports, Shin Assists and subscription management, etc.

Communicating Changes To Your Management Team:

We understand that fire groups experience metamorphosis over time as you find your best working team. We also get that life gets in the way sometimes: people change jobs, move, have babies, and are understandably unable to fulfill their roles as shin or assistant shin. You, as the Shin, are the only person who can make any changes to your management team.  Whether stepping down as Shin, or adding/changing an Assistant Shin, these changes can only be made by you.  Please communicate any management changes to the entire Fire Conclave Council via email at:

Shin Tips:

Twice a month you should receive something called Shin Tips. They will contain tips and suggestions that we feel may be helpful to you, as well as important deadlines and information. These will be emailed to you, and will also be added as a post in our Facebook Group  “Moon Base”. 


We’ve added social media to the mix in an effort to make communicating with us (and each other) easier, theoretically. 


Like Our Page: The Fire Conclave
This page will be where you can find pertinent information and announcements relative to the Fire Conclave.

Our private Group Page:  The 2021 Fire Conclave Moon Base

This group is for 2021 Conclave Shins and Assistant Shins to ask questions, discuss struggles and successes, and share experiences related to their journey to the Great Circle. Please note, this is a closed group for Shins, Shin Assists, and the Fire Conclave Council only. You will need to request access which we will grant after you answer the required questions

Shins may request additional people be added, but they must ask the council first as we are very selective as to who we allow into the groups. 


This social media page was created as a way to share pictures taken by the FC Great Circle Documentarians. It’s sort of a “best of” as not all pictures taken are shared. Find us here:  @fireconclave



The Shin Discussion List is an email group list where all Shins (as well as the FC Council) can talk to each other.  It is created anew each year for the current roster of Shins who have communicated Intent to participate in the Fire Conclave. Similar to the facebook group page, the Shin List’s primary purpose is to facilitate communication between Shins by discussing struggles and successes, and sharing experiences related to your groups. Other purposes include important topics and deadlines from the Fire Conclave Council. 

Once the Fire Conclave has been selected for the year, the list is reduced down to the remaining Shins and Sentinels.    

Shin Assist(s) (if you have listed one or two) are subscribed to this discussion list as well. Please use the list to ask other Shins questions. You are great resources to each other, all of you are facing similar challenges, refer to each other for solutions. By all means if you have questions, need our help, consultation, have questions or just need to talk, the FC Council is here for you.  


The announce list is for the Fire Conclave and related fire activities. It is a one way channel from the FC Council to anyone subscribed. It does not accept replies or responses. If you’d like to receive official announcements from the Fire Conclave Council, please subscribe.  

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